My retirement note

"As I prepare to make the transition to the next phase of my life, please allow me to reflect on the past 34 eventful years that I spent in our great Nestle organization.
This has been an amazing journey for me. Coming from a very humble background I was able to learn many aspects of business and leadership. What I could achieve or what I could contribute to the businesses I worked for, was because of the good mentoring and support from my bosses, mentors, and colleagues. I realize how fortunate I have been to get the opportunity to work in different roles and in different countries.
I want to thank you for the support and advice that I got from you as a mentor during my sales tenure and when I began my international career in Bangladesh. Your Leadership has always inspired me.
I am a firm believer in ‘Once a Nestle, always a Nestle’ and as such will remain a staunch supporter and ambassador of Nestle brands and values. Though I will take a break for a few days I will remain active in pursuing my passion for contributing to ‘Youth and Leadership Development.'
As I will retire from my position by end of July, I wanted to thank you and Nestle India leadership team in advance for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to work, learn, and grow with Nestle organization both in and outside India. Working with people with diverse cultures and languages in different countries has contributed to both my personal and professional growth. It gave me immense opportunities to learn. After almost 35 happy and eventful years, I leave with many memories to cherish for the rest of my life.
I wish you and all my colleagues at Nestle India good luck and great times ahead.
I will come to our ‘Gurgaon Nest’ by the end of July/ beginning of August to personally meet you and all my friends. Allow me to set up a short catch-up session with you."

Best regards,
Chandan Ghosh
‘Shall be happy to be in touch

+91 9831231751

That was what I wrote to the management of my home country India. After working for almost 35 years at Nestle, I decided to retire early after 31st July 2018. I prepared myself for this for quite some time although I still had more than three years to go before my actual retirement date. But for many reasons, I decided to take a break earlier. It was planned. So, I had time to think about how I was going to handle this transition to a new phase of life. More importantly, I could sit back and think about all the learning that I had during all these years. I must be honest here. Whatever I am today, Nestle had a significant role to play in that.
I have decided to share my journey in Nestle, I want to share my learning with the young generation if it helps them. That's the reason I am starting this blog page. There will be a series of small notes. Hope all of you enjoy it. I am not a great writer. But I thought it was important that I share my thoughts. Please provide me with feedback. I shall appreciate it very much.
Thank you and looking forward to hearing from all of you.


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